I Regularly Misspell My Own Name... Regularly

We've gotten a lot of complaints here at Yahoodwinked (now a top ten most visited site as ranked by google patrons searching for the phrase "yahoodwinked"), visitors come to our blog and "don't understand what it is." Well, we have only one stance on this issue. "We can't tell you anything without your name, address and mother's maiden name sent to us in email." Seriously though, go to answers.yahoo.com... do it, now! See all the silly questions? Well we write fitting responses and think it is funny. You should too.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Witch adobe program let's you make slideshows to dvd?

i need to make a slideshow to dvd with like a menu. i have all the adobe programs. if any one has an idea where i can see tutorials or advice on witch program does it? thank you

A warm cauldron welcome, young friend of the shadows and speaker of sen(ten)ce. I've been sliding some of the latest season of Sabrina onto my dvd player (legally of course) so if its shows you want, this witch is the which you need to wish for bewitching adwitch. Sandwich.

Witch reminds me, I'm hungry! so let's get that menu out... loooks like when you were telling me that you have all the adobe programs you weren't talking about an unreleased ken burns special on Spanish housing history. (pbs torrent hunters, GET IN TOUCH!)

Not a problem. Well, a slight problem as I've got a half dozen dump trucks full of new mexico mud, idling outside my humble abode... when you get a second, can you double check for any hidden architecture or templates in dreamweaver? that sounds pretty native american-ish to me and those guys totally ripped off the spanish...

alright... down to wich-ness. Bologna and swiss sounds good to me! you start on that (those are precious frog legs, not deli meat you fool! they're worth more than your life!) and i'll get this dvd together...

please get me the following (and throw that mayo out, even a which has to a draw the line somewhere... no green condiments for me... except speckled owl relish, that's a witch's dreamsandwitch)

half a dozen broken light sockets
that spoiled mayo you tried to commit whichiside with
a broiled bat wing
the underside of a tomato horn worm
a mixed bag of insects
leg of newt
eye of tiger (radio edit)

Smear the mayo onto your face. Remove your shirt so as to avoid any stubborn stains. Approach the broomstick slowly from the side (out of its peripheral vision) and jump onto it... may take a few hours to tame it (depending on the type of wood, ash and birch can be a nightmare for even the most experienced of goblins, so pick your poison with a whichy witchness or you'll doom the entire witchtocracy!) Once tamed, get the boombox out and crank eye of tiger...begin running in place with the broomstick securely fastened between your thighs.

Once you've reached a witch-worthy speed... start the treadmill (continue to run in place) and get on... attempt to consume any of the remaining ingredients while racing at full speed on the treadmill. You should lose consciousness at some point (sooner better than later, just a wiff of that mayo and... well, me thinks sweat will not be a cure all for that odor) and slide-show yourself onto the floor. When you come to, an aged bob saget will be wit(ch)lessly watching over your straight to you-tube after a brief stop at abc family channel, DVD. congrats!

Seriously, who was the casting director for Hocus Pocus?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

begin running in place with the broomstick securely fastened between your thighs.

AHAHAHAHA I want to see that one in the film. It fits perfectly in the Guy trying to start Ghastly Times newspaper story arc.