I Regularly Misspell My Own Name... Regularly

We've gotten a lot of complaints here at Yahoodwinked (now a top ten most visited site as ranked by google patrons searching for the phrase "yahoodwinked"), visitors come to our blog and "don't understand what it is." Well, we have only one stance on this issue. "We can't tell you anything without your name, address and mother's maiden name sent to us in email." Seriously though, go to answers.yahoo.com... do it, now! See all the silly questions? Well we write fitting responses and think it is funny. You should too.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

So someone explain what does it feel like going down a waterslide?

i cant stand rollercoasters
and my friend is like making me romise her to go down a water slide
an im really freaked outt
cuz im rly not like thosee ridess.

Wow... i have to hand it to you.. but i can't because you are probably in a country far away from mine. I could mail it to you though! Just email me your address!

Anyway, to the question/answer...

Have you ever noticed how dogs drag their butt across carpet with that goofy idiotic look on their face? Or how squirrels jump from branch to branch, without regard to the laws of gravity?

I would imagine this is what it feels like to go down a waterslide. A mixture of dragging your bare butt across carpet-and jumping from limb to limb, of course, with no regard to the laws of gravity. I can't be exactly sure though, as I currently do not own a water slide.

If you are afraid to try it, as you stated in your question - give this a shot...

1) lay on your stomach, preferably outside on a raft or other floatation device..
2) have a trustworthy friend spray you with a water hose, almost parallel and horizontally to your body. Make sure they dont spray off your knickers though!!!!!
* Also, if you want the full effect, try swinging from a tire swing, while she/he (the trustworthy friend) is spraying you with the hose.

Who knows... Give it a shot! it may be quite exciting!

((i'll patent the idea so nobody else can make money off of it))


Friday, March 14, 2008

What are the similarities of japanese monarch and france monarch?

Monarch Butterflies have many similarities across the globe, but none so prevalent as their incessant desire to distribute the human emotion of unadulterated regret to each and every living soul.

They accomplish this task using a vast network of invisible "strings" that they have spent the last 3,000 years layering in the earth's atmosphere. When instructed by the Queen of Butterflies (who I don't believe is either japanese or france) the butterflies in the world say (in their own language
imperceptible to humans) "Give us a days wages for a days work" which is the key-phrase used to initiate the global string vibration. This vibration travels in a huge wave around the world, and in turn delivers overwhelming feelings of regret to the entire world population.

Think of it, have you ever felt a sense of regret? What purpose does regret serve to the human condition? Absolutely none. It is a manufactured emotion that has been developed by the monarchs. Much like the Morning Star in Revelation, they are beautiful, yet dastardly beasts.

Take mind the monarchs, wherever you see them, be it japan, french, mongoria or greenlend. They are certainly taking mind of you, and remaining ignorant to this will be the downfall of humanity.

Source(s): currently pinned to corkboard

knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings

Monday, March 10, 2008

My instuctional permit's going to expire, after i renew it, do i need to wait 6 months again?

I already tried taking my test and didn't pass the first time. I've just started to have the time to practice and feel confident again, but my permit expires in a week. I tried to make an appointment, but there's none available. I'm willing to do all the paperwork, pay the fee, and retake the permit test. I'm just wondering if I have to wait 6 months again. I really hope not, help?!

Twentyeth Century,

Come on in.. we are distressed at your inflammation at the despondency of the situation... The Red coats are coming and they're bringing their jams... They respect your behavior and sport farmers tans. Feed yourself to Bernhardt Guest, the heartburn he gets will be a nasty pest.

Now that you know this is genuine (or were you kidding about having done & READ all the paperwork?) I'm going to give this to you straight buddy. If your Instuctional permit is going to expire right after you renew it, does it make any sense to renew?

Let's back up shall we (make sure to watch your mirrors [sorry just a little driving test humor there]) and list your assets.

1) One Instuctional Permit, that is stuc in the 'expire directly after renewal' clause.

2) You've started to have the time to feel confident again (very important)

3) You've tried to make an appointment

4) Willingness to pay fees.

So what can you do? A few things.

1) Wait 6 months after your instuctional permit re-expires upon re-renewal, and still have it stuc in its non-renewable expiration clause.

2) Pay off the person behind the counter with the money you were saving up to pay arbitrary fees incurred from normal teenage life.

3) Follow these Seventheasy steps to turn your Instuctional Permit into an Inunstuctional Permit.

Step A) Remove your Instuctional Permit from it's protective casing.

Step B) Replace the Instuctional Permit with a folded napkin that is the exact size and density of the permit (wet the napkin first). Trust me you want to make sure it's the same EXACT size and density. The BMV tracks these things and a truancy officer WILL show up at your door, and WILL NOT hesitate to taser you.

Stepsie) Lick your Instuctional Permit to reveal the embedded code-word (Human saliva is 1 molecule off the chemical the government officially uses to decode this cr*p... who knew?) This code-word is specific to your Permit alone, and should be something you have said in front of one of te BMV agents during your time with them... (That's how they "get you")

Stepdie) Go to bmv.glov and click the link for "BMV Agent central" (or just click this url: bmv.org/~bmvagentcentral/dontt... and enter your codeword in their "Trouble Cases" directory form.

Steppy-Step) Hit enter and your file should come up, they usually make moustaches and devil horns on your pictures in here so don'-t be offended, just click on the checkmark box next to "Re-habilitated" and close your browser before the search engine spider finishes it's web on your mouse.

Step Fff) Sit back and relax because now your Instuctional permit is unstuc'ced

Step G) Please send those Fee Payments to my paypal account, which I'm not dumb enough to give here, but you can find it easily in the instuction manual now that you know to lick it thoroughly for the reveal.

DO NOT ASK how I got my paypal account into the official govt. Driving Instuction manual!

Source(s): Lick here to reveal.

Cliff Notes for the State of Ohio Driving Instruction Manual

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Witch adobe program let's you make slideshows to dvd?

i need to make a slideshow to dvd with like a menu. i have all the adobe programs. if any one has an idea where i can see tutorials or advice on witch program does it? thank you

A warm cauldron welcome, young friend of the shadows and speaker of sen(ten)ce. I've been sliding some of the latest season of Sabrina onto my dvd player (legally of course) so if its shows you want, this witch is the which you need to wish for bewitching adwitch. Sandwich.

Witch reminds me, I'm hungry! so let's get that menu out... loooks like when you were telling me that you have all the adobe programs you weren't talking about an unreleased ken burns special on Spanish housing history. (pbs torrent hunters, GET IN TOUCH!)

Not a problem. Well, a slight problem as I've got a half dozen dump trucks full of new mexico mud, idling outside my humble abode... when you get a second, can you double check for any hidden architecture or templates in dreamweaver? that sounds pretty native american-ish to me and those guys totally ripped off the spanish...

alright... down to wich-ness. Bologna and swiss sounds good to me! you start on that (those are precious frog legs, not deli meat you fool! they're worth more than your life!) and i'll get this dvd together...

please get me the following (and throw that mayo out, even a which has to a draw the line somewhere... no green condiments for me... except speckled owl relish, that's a witch's dreamsandwitch)

half a dozen broken light sockets
that spoiled mayo you tried to commit whichiside with
a broiled bat wing
the underside of a tomato horn worm
a mixed bag of insects
leg of newt
eye of tiger (radio edit)

Smear the mayo onto your face. Remove your shirt so as to avoid any stubborn stains. Approach the broomstick slowly from the side (out of its peripheral vision) and jump onto it... may take a few hours to tame it (depending on the type of wood, ash and birch can be a nightmare for even the most experienced of goblins, so pick your poison with a whichy witchness or you'll doom the entire witchtocracy!) Once tamed, get the boombox out and crank eye of tiger...begin running in place with the broomstick securely fastened between your thighs.

Once you've reached a witch-worthy speed... start the treadmill (continue to run in place) and get on... attempt to consume any of the remaining ingredients while racing at full speed on the treadmill. You should lose consciousness at some point (sooner better than later, just a wiff of that mayo and... well, me thinks sweat will not be a cure all for that odor) and slide-show yourself onto the floor. When you come to, an aged bob saget will be wit(ch)lessly watching over your straight to you-tube after a brief stop at abc family channel, DVD. congrats!

Seriously, who was the casting director for Hocus Pocus?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

what do you suggest to level the base on this?

i have a plant stand that is about 60 yrs old.the base has warped a bit so it doesn't set level.the base is 10.5" in diameter and there is a "trough" through the diameter.
what can i apply to fill the trough to make the base level?

First off tsk tsk on letting that 60 year old base warp. I've seen the model you're talking about and a non-warped one will fetch a pretty penny on the stand market. OK enough about me and my "preferences" for perfection, let's get this thing leveled.

Take the stand (no pun intended) and turn it upside down. Now before we get started I want you to secure the following items. You didn't turn the plant stand upside down yet did you? I know I wrote it first, but I assumed you would read the next sentence first. If you already turned it upside down, close this web browser window and forget it. I can't help you... If you weren't like that other guy and didn't turn it upside down, please continue.

First you need to get some very long pieces of aluminum siding caps. These are the caps that aluminum siders put on the corners when putting up the siding. You'll need the kind used on a 2 story house. which should be about 24 feet long

I want you to get 7 of these. Also before getting the siding caps I want you to Get a bottle of glue and put a thick pasting of glue over your eyebrows. Also gather together a small brigade of woodland creatures (mostly chipmunks will do but do have some variety) and then grab 3 other antique pieces of furniture in your house (preferably some kind of hutch and a nice end-table if you have them)

O.k. now I want to tell you I was kidding about the glue, but if you did it anyway I was trying to teach you a lesson about reading ahead a little bit before you do something. Either way you can still proceed with this project. Just don;t lay your head down on the plant stand if you put the glue on. (well, maybe just for a minute)

Now, I want you to take your woodland creature brigade and lock them into the hutch or hutch type piece of furniture you have.. we are going to try to let them "fight it out" in there to get the strongest one for later. Most likely it will be a badger or a Wolverine that wins.

Give the brigade a name before you lock them up so you can have a proper ceremony later for the "losers". Really I look at them all as winners, but I know how the world works.

Some name suggestions:

"Happy Fun Life"
"The Little Rascals"
"Animal Glee Club"
"The Deb-ATE-ors"
"The Dead Meat Darlings"
or my personal favorite...
"The Please let us out of here's"

Now that you've set that into motion, I want you to start constructing a dome like structure out of the aluminum siding caps. You'll need some kind of machine for bending them, although I might suggest you use a trash compactor set for "aluminum cap bending, not crushing" which shouldn't break them.

Bend most of them into arcs, except for 1. This one you will use later.

Once finished your dome, place the plant stand on the top, this will protect it and yourself, from the ferocious badger or wolverine you will be releasing on it later. Precariously balance the remaining siding cap on top of the stand with the 2 remaining pieces of antique furniture balanced on either end.

Now let's clean up the mess in the hutch... Remove the dead tissue of the smaller creatures in the hutch without letting the ferocious live animal go. take this "sludge" and spread it all over the 2 balancing pieces of furniture and yourself.

Use the other siding cap you didn't use earlier to open the door to the hutch while standing atop the dome (aren't you glad you read ahead again?) and hope that the badger or wolverine chooses to jump up on one of the balancing pieces of furniture.

When it does the whole contraption should come plummeting to the ground, and your plant stand should be in pretty good shape. Kill the badger or wolverine in a respectful manner and bury all of the creatures in proper military style.

Glad to help out.

Source(s): Drinks heavily

Taps does not do their lives and deaths justice

Monday, March 3, 2008

Given that the marble I draw is red, what is the probability it was drawn from the 1st bag?

I have 2 bags, each containing 3 marbles.
The 1st bag contains 2 red marbles and white marble.
The 2nd bag contains 40 red marbles (and no white marbles).
I pick a bag at random and draw a marble at random from it.
Given that the marble I draw is red, what is the probability it was drawn from the 1st bag?


I'm going to be up front with you. I can help you draw this stuff, but it's never going to come close to the masterpiece of what you would have done given no instruction, placed in a true vacuum from the age of 7, and only fed dehydrated rice cakes with hydraulic fluid coating. I just want you to be aware of the greatness you could have achieved and the heights you could have reached later to plummet from.

OK, let's start by drawing a clear marble. There, good job. Yes, you are right you didn't draw anything. If you are having a tough time with this concept I want you to look at the air. Do you see it's clarity? now look at a clear piece of tape (put it over your eyelid) you can;t see the clear parts of it, get it?

OK now, lets draw a red one. Start with half of a circle (this should be a square, if you don;t understand that concept, you need help with some other math, that I can't get into right now... get it?) OK, so start with the half circle (wink, wink) if you need a reference, get a lemon and cut it in half. Place half of it on the table and shove the other half on your red marker as an eraser (It will erase the invisible ink you used to draw the clear marble, so be careful...)

Now that you have drawn half of the circle, fold the paper in half and cut it into 50ths (I know people say you can only fold a piece of paper 15 times, but considering you haven't really drawn anything yet, you should be able to fold it at least 30 times which gets you halfway there, if you were folding it instead of cutting it.)

Finish the red marble and tape it in a spherical shape (a sphere is just a circle in a time-warp). Tape it with the tape on your eyelid. In your eye if you can.

Now we need to deal with the dimension jump inside your second bag. I see you are having the problem where 3 marbles are 40 inside of a closed system. It's no big deal but the probability you'll get out of it unscathed is 1:1099923. the 40 red marbles will especially cause problems. It's really a shame you didn't think to fill the second bag with 3 clear marbles, because in that dimension they become a harmless used car salesman.

Anyway jump into the bag, and you should land right back in your seat. Now jump into the first bag and draw a new red marble in there. You just bumped the probability up to 1:1, good job Schroedinger, get it?

I am Schroedinger's cat.

I am eating a sandwich that both has mayonnaise and also does not.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who is Britannia and why does she rule England ?

Are English royals related to her blood line ?

I'm not totally sure if... answer this for me to confirm your identity... "Does the China-man have a shiny car?"

Okay, good. Donkey mittens and I are moving the rendevous point and the plan is still in action. Our resistance movement is in full effect.

The encyclopedias (no use in making up a code name for a book as domesticated and dare I say taciturn, as the britannia's are) have infiltrated our deepest political offices and have occasionally been opened and flipped through for photo-ops in front of their mahogany shelves.

We need to act soon, or England will be in a perilous situation. Grab these supplies and check back with me or donkey mittens for further instructions.

1 kitchen mop
stuffed moose head
organic carrots
the trunk of a 97 buick regal
one tree
two trees
three threes

Lure the moose to your lap with the carrots. Eat the peels so it doesn't smell the whiskey blood line on your breath.

Once it relaxes and begins to purr, GRAB the moose head and wrap the threes around it's neck in a headcuff. Run into the Buick Regal trunk and close it on your fingers twice to assure us you're a true secret agent.

Now secure yourself in the trunk and get the trees out. After a year or two, the trees will grow and push the trunk open (you'll survive on their oxygen and fruits).


And who the hell is this Tommy Atkins, anyhow?