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We've gotten a lot of complaints here at Yahoodwinked (now a top ten most visited site as ranked by google patrons searching for the phrase "yahoodwinked"), visitors come to our blog and "don't understand what it is." Well, we have only one stance on this issue. "We can't tell you anything without your name, address and mother's maiden name sent to us in email." Seriously though, go to answers.yahoo.com... do it, now! See all the silly questions? Well we write fitting responses and think it is funny. You should too.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Can Fruits Really produce electricity?

If yes can you tell me what fruits can produce electricity:

I will greatly appreciate answers in my question.
Thank you and have a good day!

When I was but a child, my mother taught us this nursery rhyme. We thought it was merely a children's poem about fruit, while in reality our mother had taught us a valuable lesson: "Which fruits can really produce electricity"

The name of the nursery rhyme was even a mnemonic device for remembering what the rhyme was about "Weary Fellow Can Rest Prostrate 'Ere"

I did some research and discovered that it was written by an officer in the Amish Navy during the war of the Tickle Me Ivories, circa 1200 BC. I guess during those times the Amish still allowed electricity, but only if produced by means of produce. As you can see I've (re)produced the product of his efforts for you below. Read onward, and you will not see just how dumb the Amish of his day weren't.

"Weary Fellow Can Rest Produce 'Ere"
By: Nathanius Titanius

Apple and I push Apple and I push to produce with produce an ounce of magicians electric Apple Juice.

Lemon Tell you a tale about slicing a Lemon. You must cut it in halven, and aim it toward heaven, to keep the strong juices from ruinin' your vision.

(Sorry to interject on such beautiful verse, but I never discovered if this one meant electricity producing or not, but we have to play it safe and say no in this case)

Mango to the Lavatory and relieve your stress, a Mango is lightning all wrapped in a mess.

Watermelon with your best water boy, Me lawn is the prettiest because of hydro-electrolysis!

Grape is an ape when it comes to electrons passing through a positively charged gauge field to produce energy.

Banana always told me when charging batteries, to peel the long banana and leave the mushy in the tree.

Orange of values from negative to pos, I subtract a divison of multiplied twelves.

Strawberry, Blueberry, Boisenberry, Rasp, A handful of berries will shock your poor assp!

Pineapple is just a bastardized apple, with pine shoved inside to make sure it's not stable.

Etc fruit is really a gas sad to say, no truly it's noble you'll not lose electrons this way.

And that's it in its entirety, I know it's difficult to hold back the tears, but after you've had a chance to memorize this, and you've repeated it in your head a few hundred times you'll most likely be able to get through it orally। Share it with your children. This is the type of heritage that needs to be passed down for future generations so when the end times come they'll still be able to charge their Apple ipods and Blackberries.

P.S. I tried my darndest, but I just couldn't get my answer into your question... maybe next time!)


I am Nathanium Titanium in a rebirthed wooly shell.

1 comment:

leetenant said...

yes they can. my grandson and I are in the middle of a science fair project that shows fruit producing electricity. there are many kits online and in hobby stores that you can purchase to do such an experiment. Potato's has well can produce electricity.