for example i have a t-shirt with a skull and in the inside it has a tree house and a lot of things (here's the picture)
and I want to know the name of this art because i want to search something similar for a tattoo, help will be appreciated.
and I want to know the name of this art because i want to search something similar for a tattoo, help will be appreciated.
I got this one!
Let's not beat around the bush here. Stand-offs are risky business. DON'T GET INTO THIS, just because you watched Lonesome Dove one too many times, it's not worth it! Trust me I should know.
If you really feel like you're ready for this, then let me give you a few pointers because you're obviously wet behind the ears, and probably a little 'yella.
Number one.
GET RID OF THAT T-SHIRT!!!!! You might think that skull looks cool, or will impress the ladies at the bordello, but you're just plumb thicker than a thickened wool / fleece blend poncho. To a trained sharp shooter, that looks just like a target boy. Get your head on straight.
Number too.
You're going to need a poncho. I recommend a wool / fleece blend. Get one with HORIZONTAL STRIPES. This will effect the air around you and give your juju a kick in the pants. Horizontal stripes will give the illusion that you're some type of ghastly spectre. If you even try to wear vertical stripes I cannot help you! And, if I hear one word about diagonal stripes, I'll just remind you what happened to Pecos "Incontinent" Bartholemew, and kick you in the grits for good measure.
Number tree.
If you are going to get a tattoo, don;t go to Art his needles'll give you lock jaw quicker than a Mexican snail with a whiskey bucket. Also, I see you like this kind um house and a lot of things. Well, I can;t say it will be the same for you, but here's my advice on what sort of tattoo to get to help with your quickdraw.
I got two names tattooed on my knuckles. You'll have to figure out what names work for you, but I decided to use 1) the name of my grade school teacher, Miss O'reilly, and then the name of the guy who took my left eye, Nully T Sanchez. Seeing as I only have 3 knuckles a hand I had to shorten them a bit. So my left hand is labeled MORE, my right hand is labeled NUTS. THis also comes in handy in a bar fight. the last thing some poor sucker sees a'fore I knock out his sweet daylights is "MORE NUTS" and that tells em who their dealing with, as in a rootin' tootin' hullabaloo who had just eaten MORE NUTS at the bar, than they had. You see the first thing I do when I walk into a certain establishment is go to the bar and down all the peanuts in the place. one bowl at a time. people never know what to think, then I punch out their daylights.
Ok so pick some names, try to make sure it has a double meaning like mine.
You'll also want to get tatto'd on your back (between your shoulder blades) a snake whistling "when the saints go marching in", wrapped around a womans leg (dismembered, but make sure it's a pretty one) with some blood still dripping off. The blood should drip into a pool of blood that is forming inside of a chalice (I recommend something really subtle, not something gaudy and ridiculous... no gems). On the chalice should be inscribed the words "Lefty Bacon is a Happy World of Limbs" This will make sense to people later when you stand on your head.
Lastly, get a nice daisy on your inner thigh.
Number flive
Let's get down to talking about quick draw, and more importantly in your case what I think you're trying to ask about which is the double-reverse, Trojan horse, keep your legs inside till you're sure their asleep, rum and dandy, kill your mammy, western two-step, bring it back around and reverse it again so it can be turned back around and reversed, then one more time back and forth, 180 degree turn, to a back side double draw within a draw.
We usually just call it the "sneaky double team with your own hand" for short.
Now boy, there is now way in Sam Hill that you are ever going to be able to learn this. But, I have learned that this is never a forum for solutions, but a forum for the precedence of the human condition, so listen up boy and get yer some culture.
I'm actually just going to call this move Nancy for simplicities sake.
You'll need to treat the move like woman to get anything accomplished anyway.
Now Nancy is a cruel mistress. The thing she requires most is a sense of sensibility, and further a flint of flexibility, we'll then learn about the scar of scalability, the box of bewilderment, the stance of the wandering minstrel , the cake, the billows and the retard.
TO gain a sense of sensibility, you'll need to find yerself a limpant pool of water, one that has been sitting in the hot sun for days, festering, growing a hive of mosquitoes and preferably has a lot of algae growing in it. Take off your clothes, rub poison ivy all over yourself and then eat it. find some berries and smoosh them to make a paste then rub the paste inside of your eyes. Jump into the pool.
You will stay here (preferably head above water) for 3 years. Eat the algae to survive. Let the mosquitoes sting you (especially in the eyes) until you're near the brink of death, then begin to catch them with your teeth. Make sure to scratch the poison ivy often so it spreads all over your body this will scar and disfigure your skin and make you look really awesome. After 3 years time get out of the pool, if all goes well you will be blind, AND you will be immune to the sting of a mosquito. Gather together an army of mosquitoes in your best jar. Name each one and kiss them before you go to sleep at night.
Now for the flint of flexibility.
You should be nice and relaxed for this.
Take a hammer, give it to your friend and tell them to bash your fingers. You'll need them to keep this up for about a week. We want your fingers pretty malleable here so just set up some kind of rotation between your friends. In the end your hands should just sort of hang from your wrists. put them in velvet bags that you tie around your neck. The dead weight of each hand should offset the other.
The scar of scalability
you should have a scar running the length of your right arm. This is the scar of scalability. touch it during a stand off and you will grow to the size of the nearest oak tree. (pray that it isn't a seedling)
The Box of bewilderment
This can be a box you construct out of any material. it will be where you put your six shooter partner so make it nice. decorate it with some sequins and felt lettering.
The Stance of the Wandering Minstrel
Stand on your head. You are now in the Stance of the Wandering Minstrel. Make sure to sing When the saints go marching in while in the stance or you'll lose your balance. Make sure to sing it in a voice like you are underwater, and you are trying not to drown.
Eat the Cake.
Compress the Billows (If you don;t know this rudimentary move in quick draw, stop wastin' my time boy)
Now for the retard. Slowly... VERY slowly, touch the scar of scalability, drop the box of bewilderment from in-between your legs down to the ground. flick your wrists twice to start your hands freely waving, and wait for your opponent to show up. Most likely they won't.
And there you have it, you've won.
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