I Regularly Misspell My Own Name... Regularly

We've gotten a lot of complaints here at Yahoodwinked (now a top ten most visited site as ranked by google patrons searching for the phrase "yahoodwinked"), visitors come to our blog and "don't understand what it is." Well, we have only one stance on this issue. "We can't tell you anything without your name, address and mother's maiden name sent to us in email." Seriously though, go to answers.yahoo.com... do it, now! See all the silly questions? Well we write fitting responses and think it is funny. You should too.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How do i put yahoo or named company in my book?

i writing a book. and wanna put yahoo in it.. not going to put how i exactly want to put it but.,..

"But according to Yahoo i got an answer that was 66% top pick as the right one, but didn't like it."

Plessy v. Furgeson set the precedent on cases like this, but I never recommend getting involved in something unless you can thoroughly comprehend what the name of it means. Face it, Plessy v. Furgeson is nonsense babbling.

I finding it admirable that you have written a book. I also commending that you hold so tightly to the Hindenburg that is printed media, and refuse to allow it to be impossible to put an entire internet search site into said incompatible media. I like your kutspah kid, so let's see what we can do about getting the website into that book. (I think I'll leave the process of getting named company into the book to someone else. I used to work at 'named' so I think there is a conflict of interest there)

Hey, well since this has never been done before, I'm basically going to make up this entire process on the spot. What really ticks me off is that you're probably going to write my ideas off from the get-go, just because no one has ever been successful (or possibly even attempted) putting a website into a book, but I just want to remind you that everyone thought Alexander Graham Bell was mad when he suggested people could transmit beams of energy through wax paper, and that Copernicus was a loony for even suggesting that planets had reproductive systems, and we all see how that turned out. Take a chance on this one Bert, let's make some history, and get you in the record books.

First, I think we need to take these two drastically different technologies (a book and an internet search engine) and make them more similar. Start by printing out as many pages as you can find on yahoo.com. I know they have sub pages and sub-sub pages so make sure to search for all of them at google.com and then print out each one. I'd suggest printing out at least a novelette, preferably a novel size of your book, if not 1.2 degrees the size of it.

Next, convert your book into a blog of some sort. I think yahoo offers some kind of free blog, which would be great because then you would be adding more pages to Yahoo for the next time you print out the site.

Now that we've taken one step toward converting these two drastically different technologies into some sort of the same technology let's do this repeatedly. You might want to throw a "technology converting" party and invite some friends over to help.

Take the new book of Yahoo and convert it to a yahoo blog, including the new blog you set up of your original book. Also don't forget to take the new blog of your book and start printing it out along with the other new pages of yahoo your find on google, you might also want to bring alta vista into play here.

I would continue this process until your apartment if filled with stacks of paper and it is hard to get around. The internet probably won't be full yet, so you'll still be able to get around inside of it ok.

You'll want to start renting a new apartment in your building every month to keep up the pace of conversion. Don't think about costs right now! The Wright brothers were bankrupt when they invented the first bicycle and Tripoli so when they crashed their first airplane, and yet they made it onto one of the new quarters.

Continue the conversion process until you have made enough friends to sustain your original apartment building as well as the 3 adjunct ones you now own (preferably on the same city block).

I would make some good connections with both Mead paper company (I believe they are based in Columbus Ohio, so consider having your city block transported there) as well as Yahoo themselves (this can be accomplished by telecommute I'm certain). If you can somehow infiltrate the board of each company and get them to merger, I think you'll have made a huge stride. If you get enough shares in Meadhoo you might be able to hand off the book / blog conversion to their R&D department, and you can either retire to the Yucatan, or pursue some of the other impossible concepts you've been throwing around in your head (however, I'm leaning towards 1) Getting retired racing dogs integrated into designer fabrics or 2) Replacing the moon with a musical number or 3) Making human words physically tangible)

Make sure to take credit for the new invention when they finally do it!

Good luck! I'll expect greatness from you and you'll at least deliver goodness.

Good Night!

Source(s): Yahoo can pick your answers, but only you can pick your destiny.

Whaling Wall


faux real said...

reread this brilliant post just now. really a forgotten treasure in the same vain as well i can't think of anything dach just type whatever and he'll get it... uh, something about... what is that one movie where the guy does all that stuff with cutlery and makes himself a landscape architect at a castle... damn. well just put something about a movie that no one's ever heard of here and i'll pretend like i've seen it tomorrow... seriously, stop looking at me and press that publish your comment button.

Unknown said...