I Regularly Misspell My Own Name... Regularly

We've gotten a lot of complaints here at Yahoodwinked (now a top ten most visited site as ranked by google patrons searching for the phrase "yahoodwinked"), visitors come to our blog and "don't understand what it is." Well, we have only one stance on this issue. "We can't tell you anything without your name, address and mother's maiden name sent to us in email." Seriously though, go to answers.yahoo.com... do it, now! See all the silly questions? Well we write fitting responses and think it is funny. You should too.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How is reading the geologic record different from reading a book?

I'm going to answer your question with a list. I'm doing this for two reasons.

1) They look nice.
2) They break large chunks or boulders of information down into not as large chunks.
3) They allow for prioritizing of important information based on a vertical idiom, in which the most important information resides at the upper strata and as we dig deeper into the lower strata, the information becomes less and less relevant.
4) This shouldn't be confused with the way the geologic record works, because in the geologic record as you dig deeper into the strata, things tend to get older and more interesting.
5) Rocks can be pointy.
6) I own 3 pairs of socks.

The reasons that reading the geologic record are different from reading a book are as follows:

1) The pages of the geologic record are reeeeeaaaallly heavy. I'm not sure if you have ever tried to turn a mountain or even a foothill before, but I have and I herniated things that I didn't even know existed. Did the mountain and/or foothill even budge? No way. There are better ways of turning the "pages" of the geologic record, but I can't divulge them to you.
2) No Page Numbers (that was an easy one)
3) To bookmark your place you have to basically explode all of the layers above the ones you want to stop reading at. Most people / governments frown on this, but they can't stop you if you get Geological Library card. You can apply for this at your local branch of the GL.
4) Technically, you never take it off the shelf. If you think of the planet Earth abstractly and imagine that it is actually "on" the bookshelves that are "on" it (this is easy to do if you're smart enough to free your mind of the laws of gravity) then you never "take it off" the shelf. If you wanted to it would mean launching your bookshelf past the gravitational pull of the earth.
5) footnotes vs. foothills
6) cliff notes vs. actual cliffs.
7) Books are often read in schools.
8) I put rocks in my underpants.
9) Neil Diamond will live forever.
10) Milkshakes are yummy.

Hope that helps!


Molten Lava at the Earth's Core

Jules Verne loved milkshakes too

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do you know where I could find a discounting table that has inflation (Escalating rate) in it as well?

Discount rate 4% and under would prefer 3.5% discount rate.


When looking for an inflatable discount table I usually start my search at local liquidation warehouses. I know that in name this sounds like a place where you would be looking for water filled discount tables but, trust me, this is a scheme developed by the inflatable table industry to try to fool you into paying a liquid or in some cases even a solid price for a gas filled table.

I think that it is completely abhorrent the way these table industries operate and really think there should be more government laws (liquid, gas or solid) placed on them to protect the consumer.

Ultimately it's not the government laws, but the very laws of nature that govern these tables. The government laws (as in Plato's allegory of the cave) are just the shadows cast on the walls by the true laws of Nature.

In nature, energy transfer is required to change any material from it's current state to any other physical state. Where does this energy come from when a gas filled table is purchased at the price of a solid or liquid filled table? Well, let me outline it for you...

Let's say you buy a table at a liquidation store that requires you to use air (gas) from your lungs to inflate. First off, you have wrongfully paid a liquid filled table cost for a table that is to be gas filled. Second, you are required to supply the gas to fill the table. They pay nothing for this energy exchange, and you aren't allowed to charge them for the energy you will have to supply. Seems like a solid racket to me.

To get around this, I find an inflatable table at a liquidation warehouse, I demand that they inflate the table for me at an escalating rate, so I can make sure they are filling it with air and not removing air from i.t (If they were to remove all of the air from the table this is governed by the vacuum laws, and is an entirely separate issue) I pay liquid price for an already inflated table and end up getting your desired 3.5% discount rate plus a second discount rate of 1.5% that I just made up. Because, let's face it, laws were made to be broken!
