I Regularly Misspell My Own Name... Regularly
Monday, December 31, 2007
Skinny wrists. Is there any exercises to build them up?
WOW, i see we're in serious trouble here. It looks like your wrists are too small to type exercise correctly... I just looked that up in a wrist handbook and i think you're beyond excersice help... could suggest doing a few thousand pushups but I'll do you one better, here's how to build a watch for your wrists.
Since we're working with subatomic particles, you'll need an electron microscope. Bank loan(s) should cover most of the. You may need to see someone in malaysia about selling a kidney.
Let's skip ahead and assume that you noticed "some assembly required" on each of the 67 boxes that now fill your laboratory (high school gym). So you'll need a few hours to catch up with everything but that is all factored into my fees.
Begin altering your double helix strands of DNA. I'd look for the one marked "wuss wrist", it should stand out like a sore wrist that is too puny to wear a watch. Do a "find - replace" and stick the old "watch wrist" in there. From now on, and depending on your physics skills, you'll either have a strong wrist or you won't be able to move your eyes away from your wrist. Also, I think there's a character limit, so you might have to put watwrist or something like that in there. I just tried to put "bruce willis wrist" into mine (i have big wrists but not die hard wrists) but i was limited to "bruce will".... i left it, and expect a full report... also placed "die hard" in my mortality slot. i wanted die hard with a vengence but that pesky character limit is making a mockery of fine films.
Anyhow, problem solved.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Putting certain objects in certain places for happier lifestyle?
It was something like, several objects have to be in certain areas of the room for you to be happy. Like...if your trash barrel is in the financial section then you will be financially doomed...stuff like that.
Can anyone help me?
As another customer mentioned, this has to do entirely with balancing. Two begin: to finish, both must finish.
Chew on that for a minute.
I made it up with my favorite can of orange soda firmly planted near a stationary bike.
Now, I've said it before and I'll type it again here. I'm not a fan of happiness and happy lifestyles. Bobby McFerrin can't see the forest for the seas. The ocean seems unending, as does anything that stretches beyond the horizon, no?
Now, I'll still help out, because I was watching Grumpier Old Men (got the DVD for 19.99 at frontflix [a division of crubridoe]) this morning and realized that the universe may be an extension of my basic consciousness. Outside of cerebral limitations, everyone exists everywhere or I am the ground.
First of all, you need objects in certain places and they need to stay there. For heavier pieces of furniture that aren't going to listen to you when you scream "HEEL" at 4 am during a hailstorm, let me recommend cementing them into place. This would include chairs, sofas, german shepherds, floors, popsicles and chin up bars (dude never listens, i've been barking orders at his shiny stainless steel rear end for three weeks and he won't budge an inch).
Find a room and fill it with cement. Let the cement dry (6-8 inches above the original floor height should be a MINIMUM folks) and place your trash barrel into your mid section. Ram it in there with some force. Think of all those people who dare SUCCEED and WORK HARD, smash that trash barrel, look to break ribs. Remember that one guy who had a good idea and acted on it and then made money THAT YOU DON'T HAVE? yeah, this is for him. Start smashing your upper body now, and get that face into the action.
Now, let's see financial ruin even try to step into your home.
And yeah, I'll be billing you.
I've been selling concrete to home owners for 25 years.
chyeah bro
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
How to mount speakers on the wall.?
boom, we'll get this knocked out in a few days, tops.
first, and I gotta give you credit here: you noticed that the logitechs don't have a hole behind them... grab a hammer and clear about an 8" diameter of space. get down to floor level and take a peek inside the speaker, from here you can see the second problem: magnets! there is a large magnet inside, de-powering your speakers. logitech is known for this chicanery.
now, to get rid of that magnet... you can't touch them directly because your body digests a large amount of iron everyday and i don't think you want to be walking around with a speaker stuck to your head, when it's raining.
first, take a towel and place it over the magnet. next, lie face down on the towel. line your nose up with the center of the magnet. it might take you a few days but i think you know what i'm getting at here. yeah, do it.
now, to mount them on your wall. do the usual prepwork (shoot healthy horse, give to glue factory in exchange for 4 gallons of the good stuff) and coat your bedsheets with the glue. strip off your clothes and hop into bed before the glue dries. wrap yourself up into a cocoon like shape.
with the installation gear properly fitted, you're now ready to begin installation.
peel your arms away from your body. i'll give you a moment. and grab a few tons of river rock from your local riverbed. i'd suggest grabbing the largest slabs (15-20 feet across) as they "hold sound" the best.
have a contracting company escort your new shelves to your lawn.
without cutting them in any way, "fit" said river rock into your home. as your doorways expand, you'll notice your foundation will also sway and eventually give way. you may need that hammer again for the more resilient load-bearing walls.
by the time you get the river rocks into place, your home should fold in on itself (you do own a house, correct?) slide your speakers in there before the big stuff comes in (roof etc) and watch those puppies more or less install themselves.
as for the subwoofer, you really don't have a choice. it's going to have to be installed above the speakers. i think you'd have avoided asking that if you'd ever tried to move a few tons of river rock out from underneath your home.
Subwoofers, duh
Can I loose my house?
I have an investment home which I can no longer maintain. I have tried renting and selling it but nothing happens. I can't afford the payments anymore. If the bank takes it, can the bank later come after me for my home even if I have homestead excemption?
This is the question I have been waiting for.
I'm not usually one to give away free advice, but I can see that you're in desperate need, so I will definitely help you out with this one.
First off, I see you have this pesky Investment home on the side that is mucking up the whole works. I also see, that you have unsuccessfully tried renting and selling it, to no avail, which basically means you have sold or rented it. So there you go, problem number one solved due to a glitch in the English language I hadn't even realized I was exploiting. (This is rather common)
If you still feel as if you haven't rented or sold your investment home, then I can give you some other ideas. You've tried renting, and selling, so lets keep on with the -ing words... Have you tried eating it? There is a french man who goes by Monsieur Mangetout who ate an entire airplane piece by piece. (don't believe me? best to google it) So, if you have a great enough desire to get rid of this thing, you'll eat it. Just give yourself some time and when all is said and done, no more investment, and something will happen (quite the opposite of the nothing you say is happening now)
O.K. now that we have the investment home out of the way either by grammatical error or consumption, lets get down to business and Loosen your current home.
This will best be done while wearing a sailors uniform.
Start by walking around the perimeter of the rooms of your house (this is for carpeted rooms only, of course) this prepares your rooms for expansion and contraction, which they will be partaking of during the respiratory sequence. You'll need to walk as close to the walls as possible preferably close to but not touching the walls. Also slam your feet toward the floor-boards (if there are no floor-boards install some prior to doing this) but DO NOT kick the floor-boards! You'll see why in a minute.
After you've completed the preliminary floor perimeter edging, you'll need to start the Expression Method. The easiest way to start the Natural process of Expression built into most homes is to Leave the house for an hour or two. Make sure to lock the door and make it difficult for you to get back into the house. The house will respond to this positively. Anyway, before you leave you'll want to turn on all of the faucets in the house. and make sure to plug those drains, you'll need a good 4 inches of water on the floors to get a good "bleed". (Aren't you glad you didn't kick the floor boards now?)
While you are out, pick up a lemon and cut it in half. Eat half, and then put half in your pocket.
Return to the house and get into the house without opening any doors or windows. (We don't want to let any of the water out) I would suggest Climbing to the roof and boring a hole in the roof somewhere. Only make the hole big enough for you to squeeze through uncomfortably.
You will now be in the main control center, or what the house likes to call its Mantacular Repository. You will need to activate its reflector nodes by pressing the "on" button. To find this, crawl into the area where the roof meets the edge of the house. You'll notice a slight gap between the house and the gutters outside, with your face pressed into the insulation reach your hand into the gutter. Feel that sludge? that is the switch you need to toggle, just squeeze it three times with your hand and your House's brain activity will jump 300%. Now let's head downstairs.
Once there you will notice that the house has started to ooze it's Natural Expression on the inner walls. The house should also almost be full of water. At this time you will move on to the Respiratory Phase.
Begin breathing the water. It will be difficult at first to let the water into your lungs, but I've heard it's very peaceful once you finally give in. You will want to jump-start your houses Respiratory Phase by drawing in as much of the water as possible into your lungs, and then then spitting it out with great force. Being 120% water you will be suprised how much water the lungs can actually hold. You should be able to fit most of the water inside your house into your lungs. Repeat this a few times to make sure the house begins it's fluctuation.
This will alert the Grand Champion of the Sea.
You should now begin calling your crustacean friends through your house's now living pipes. Tap out a question that is the answer to itself on the pipes in Morse code (I know, why would crustaceans know Morse code? you got me bub.) They should begin crawling out of your pipes within the next few days. They will know how to batten down all of the hatches and ready the cannons for firing.
Over the next few days if you watch through the windows, you will notice that you house is growing legs and arms. There is no way to speed up this process you must simply pray that they are fully grown before the Grand Champion of the Sea finds you.
Once he does, Your house will hopefully be loosened enough to stand and destroy him. If not, you'll have to restart the entire process and this time not kick the floor boards like I told you.
The Old Man and the Sea
Monday, December 10, 2007
Some how I have a highlighted area on some of the words I see,Whats up??
I'm alright, whats up with you?
First off, head over to detox. They'll be able to take care of the whole problem with you seeing the words you say. I accidentally drank 3 half gallon jugs of kerosene last winter and had a similar experience. Instead of seeing the words I said, I saw all the words I didn't say, needless to not say I suffered from temporary blindness until I came to my senses and started speaking every thought.
In order to replicate, I'm going to take a stab at that darker area in the center of your words and say that you have ingested some office supplies in your recent past. To check, head over to work, sit down in your cube and grab a pen from your desk. Stick the pen deep into your throat until that trusty gag reflex kicks in. Empty contents into trash can.
Now, you didn't swallow that first pen did you? if so, repeat step 1 with ANOTHER pen and get the first pen out of your stomach.
Remove all of the keys from your computer's keyboard. Glue your favorites to your fingers (your thumb is not a finger), and then write the key's character onto your corresponding fingernail. This will save time later.
Attach another keyboard to your computer and using your key-fingers, type out a summary of the problems you are experiencing to take with you to detox.
Stumble into work with a couple gallons of kerosene (if you get more than 1.5 down, you've gone above and beyond) and begin drinking. You may want to start off with shots but after 20 minutes you'll be chugging the stuff just to get this over with.
You should begin seeing your words now. They will float and quiver right in front of your face almost immediately.
Be sure to continue documenting your visions with your key fingers and don't stop talking! trust me on that one, think of word tetris hell, level 74, being played LIVE. that's how bad this will be.
have a sip of antifreeze and start your cool down. if you're still at work, i'd recommend some pushups on your desk. if you're feeling ambitious, stack your computer and all office supplies on your back and try a few pushups that way.
with the blood really flowing you'll see the areas on some words will not be highlighted but the areas on some words WILL be highlighted! problem solved.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What we used to do, but we can't do anymore? Why?
To start, I admire your "can't do" attitude, lot of positive people out there are ruining things for the frowners and cynics. I'm not a fan of smiles and I'm not a fan of Bobby McFerrin.
As for the "why" in that sentence, let me tackle this portion of the problem and drive it's smiling face into a reinforced curb.
* 2 pounds of potatoes
* 1 teaspoon of salt
* 1 cup of half and half (half milk & half cream)
* 6 sticks of butter
* Salt and pepper, to taste
Peel and quarter the potatoes using a rusty and dull knife. Drop potato pieces into garbage disposal and dispose. Rub salt into any cuts or scratches you may have sustained during the peel session. Record and release as an EP.
Place half and half into a balloon, tie off and place in your bicycle's basket. Leave it to mature in the hot sun for now, we'll get back to that ingredient shortly.
Create butter skates (attach butter sticks to your feet), and secure: cut the cords from all of the appliances in your house, and strip the rubber from the wire. Dispose of the wire and now useless appliances. melt rubber by heating it in a child's swimming pool on your stove. the pool should not be the inflatable kind (i know, i know, a no-brainer here but you neeever know) but the heavy plastic kind. the rubber will catch fire, this is normal. allow the mixture of melting rubber and plastic to cover and cake your stove. after it cools, remove 4 two foot strips (about 5 inches wide) and use as butter skate straps.
skate out to your bike. remove butter skates and rub remaining butter onto your scalp. ride in a circle on your bike for 10-12 minutes, allowing the half and half solution to mix and putridfy in the sun. untie the balloon and pour the solution onto your face.
That's what we used to do.
what's wrong with this sentence...(Mary likes to drive at knight )?
Lots of sentences, wrong or right, will lead you from night to knight, my uncle would say.
To that, my aunt would say: Many complicated highways, no easy routes.
She would tell me the most lovely fantastical* story, it went like this:
One afternoon long ago, Mary Frrrrman (nee Knight) took a looong train ride to the DQ. She wanted ice cream, but ended up at the Dalmation Quarantine instead. Mary Frrrrman (nee Knight) stayed there until nightfall speaking to a beautiful mermaid named Chuck. Chuck Frrrrman.
Then, the two drove off into the knight.
I cry when I hear this.
My aunt Marey was a beutiful prrrrson.
Thank you for reviving such a touching memorey.
*fantastical in the most utmost sence of the word. Marey Knight was to fantasy as Hulk Hogan was to sheep food in a petting zoo. you know, the kind that comes out of the machine? When I was little, it was only a quarter for a whole handful. Now I think they have dibit cards for it. Imagine, having dibit cards for the sheep food just like Hulk Hogan to Mary Knight Fantasy that comes out???
crazy world.
101 Collections of 1001 Stories of Ultimate Knight Fantasys. Frrrman, Robert 2008
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What are the months that are included in Fertile Crescent?
I believe you meant to ask "What are the moths that are included in THE Fertile Crescent", but I'll let that article-slip, slide.
The good thing about this question is that it's pretty easy to answer. We can take a look at the root of our existence and trace it back to a moth that existed in the fertile crescent nearly 1 billion years ago. It's been theorizing by mothologists (or mythologists as they are currently referred to) that this winged creature ruled the skies as recently as last week.
I feel that the best way to understand your reason for being would be to study this moth (the mouth moth is it's scientific name, as it does not have a mouth) in person. i've included instructions on how to catch the mouth moth. I'd recommend this process be done in mid-summer. And as a preface... you'll need to discard absolutely everything in your kitchen... pots, pans, magnets, bowls, salad shredders, bacon bits, mouse traps, moon boots, moon men, iced animal crackers. everything.
1. Walk down to your local supermarket and pick up a variety pack of dried moths. Don't worry, these little guys can go MONTHS without spoiling.
2. Remove the door from your refrigerator.
3. Collect all of the lightbulbs from your house and place in a glass mason jar. Don't forget to cut air holes in the lid. The refrigerator will now assume the position of "main light source". that's a job it was built for. the whole preservation thing is gravy.
4. Nail all of your kitchen cabinets shut.
5. Using a concoction of turpentine, the interior of four goose down pillows, purple oil paint, guano, diet pepsi (dad's root beer can be substituted in a pinch) and air - create a new skin layer on your body. this will confuse the mouth moth into believing you are night time.
6. using a tack hammer, smash a hole through each of your cabinet doors.
7. reapply night time skin, some probably fell off due to sweat secretions.
8. delicately place your lightbulbs (you did punch air holes in the lid of that mason jar, right?) one at a time, into each of your kitchen cabinets.
9. read Tolstoy's "War and Peace". it is important at this time that you stop moving. i'd have an electrical stimulator inserted into your chest to keep your heart going as needed, but let the doctors now what you're doing and they'll understand why you need to have your heart stopped. i'm assuming that if you show up at the hospital with your night time skin on, they won't bother you with questions. brain activity should already be at a minimum due to the turpentine fumes.
10. the lightbulb caverns your have created will begin to attract mouth moths and you will be able to see them in a natural habitat. moths love lightbulbs.
11. reapply night time skin.
12. as the food in your refrigerator begins to rot, spread it onto all surfaces of your kitchen using jedi mind tricks or mirrored illusions. the moths will think it's trash night and not panic. again, make sure your night time skin is heavily applied and that you are not moving a muscle.
13. that's just about it! you have now seen the fertile crescent mouth moth and you can throw those dried moths out whenever.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Grinding nightguard too tight?
Will the pressure exerted on my tooth (teeth?) specifically from the mouthguard damage them, or is it supposed to fit very snugly?
Strangely,I had a dream last night while I was wearing it that my tooth kept chipping, but then I woke up and my tooth was fine.
Did you ever consider that possibly, you were dreaming about waking up from the dream where you had chipped your tooth, and possibly you are now still dreaming, thinking your tooth is not chipped, when in reality you may wake up to find that it is chipped? or you may wake up to find that the movie "Powder" had never been made, but only existed in your sub-conscious, and that the entirety of human history is merely a metaphor your brain has created trying to get rid of the guilt you still feel from being a terrible karaoke singer?
I also have a chipped tooth in my dreams.
Ornament wearing problem?
I wish to avoid gold ornaments and like to wear gold imitated ornaments as I am afraid of thieves. But if I wear imitated ornaments I shall suffer from skin allergy. How can I avoid the problem? Is there any liquid or ointment for smear in the ornament before wearing it? Please tell an easy solution?
First off, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are Coniferous, I mean you didn't mention it, but sometimes we have to assume certain things for the sake of answering a question (Besides I don't even think most Decid-ies care too much for the art, anyway, or have the capacity to)
Next, I'm afraid to say there are no easy solutions. Well, and if there are easy solutions, you know what they say, "easy solutions make for lackadaisical chlorophyll", am I right?
OK, lets get down to business. First of all, we need to deal with your fears. How much of a threat are thieves to you really? are you one of the outdoor variety? Possibly still even rooted? I'm going to assume so, in which case I can understand your anxiety. Here is what you will need to do to handle any sort of thief issue.
Have you ever observed the Dionaea muscipula? You will notice a remarkable defense mechanism in this species, and while difficult to cross breed yourself with it, it is not impossible. Here's how you will do it:
Use your Psyonic brain waves to slowly convince the humans near you to transport a regimen of Dionaea muscipulas to your softened root bed. (make sure to start releasing your softening agent weeks before you begin the hypnotizing.
The humans will pathetically bow to our will as they have for eons, and you should soon have plenty of breeding candidates.
Over the next 500 years breed with the Muscipulas each year having offspring that carry their dominant characteristics, of course never sacrificing your great heritage. Soon you will notice your offspring becoming more and more violent and capable of mandibular interaction with the thieves you fear.
Do not stop here.
Request a package of mutative formula (the liquid ointment for smear) to be delivered from the home world and be distributed over your new offspring.
Over the next 3 centuries your offspring will mutate and become ambulatory. Then, we will finally be ready for our ascension into power and can put the puny humans in their place as we originally intended.
You should be able to wear whatever kind of ornaments you want now. I might recommend some made from the bones of your first victims.
I am an Artificial Christmas Tree
Monday, December 3, 2007
Help.. avaters?
HEY-YOOOO. avaters are a tricky bug and the world needs a dedicated person to approach this problem and whip said avaters into submission.
Now I see you've mastered un-photographing, which is a plus (congrats) so creating a no-photo won't be a not-problem (that's a little photo-generic humor for you shutter bugs). I'll review in case we have a newbie not-reading this.
To un-photograph: purchase a basic SLR camera. I have a Nikon N70, it was only a few hundred dollars. I'd recommend buying something in the 2-3000 dollar range to maximize your results. Purchase about 10 rolls of film, some miracle whip and a jar of honey. While still in the parking lot of your local camera and hobby shop, unwind the film and attach to your car's attenna. Get home and rewind the film into their protective containers, you don't want to risk screwing up your un-photos.
Now, take two rolls of film and insert into your camera using a bonding compound of miracle whip and honey. I'd secure the camera shut (including lens cover, don't want any dust mites sneaking into a shot and ruining everything) using extra honey. In fact, just drop the camera into a large tub of honey and let it sit over night. While you're waiting, go buy some more honey, you're going to need it.
When the honey soaking is complete, attempt to push down the shutter release button. Once it "gives up", you have successfully un-photographed nothing. YAY!
Now, to get some avaters on film. First off, fill your shoes with honey. Walk to your nearest national park in honey shoes and wait for autumn. (pssst... bring a blanket!) apply honey as needed to your shoes and back.
as autumn approaches, prepare for the season by collecting pumpkins and any other odd shaped gourds, corn stalks and jade talismans. cut a hole in the bottom of a large pumpkin and place on your head (leave seeds in to attract avater). stuff your shirt with the dry corn stalks and carry the gourds with you as protective ammunition. don't forget the camera LOL!
the avater should make an appearance near your home (trying to sneak into your unused bed) so feel free to stumble around your neighborhood with your avater-clothing on. when's the last time you applied honey to your back/shoes? Get a dose of that on, quick!
You'll hear the shouts of an avater in no time, it will probably sound like a police siren as their voices mimic the creatures found in the depths of the hottest deserts. get those jade talismans on your body and girate in a non-elvis way to hypnotize the avater... should they continue to yell (probably in english now) about "getting on the ground" or "drop the gourds" or "drop the weapon" then you'll need to make use of the gourd ammo. Aim for their non-voices. Once that beating commences, start snapping pictures and get yourself that unphotograph! with your help, it will soon be in the place where it shows no photo. i'll be honest, there are a lot of doubters our there, so make me proud!
taught un-photographery at crybridge university 2009-1987.